Conley's Horse Photos

2021 Bev Merrills Spring Ride


Bev Merrill invited the members of the Kentucky Mule Skinners and the Community Draft Horse and Mule Association to her farm in Owen County, Kentucky for a Spring wagon ride over the weekend of May 14-16, 2021. This was the first ride that your photographer was able to attend in over a year due to Covid and family health issues. The daytime highs over the weekend were forecast to be in the upper 60's (F) with overnight lows in the upper 40's (F). We took 10 mile ride through Owen and Scott counties on what turned out to be a gorgeous Friday evening. This was followed by a 23 mile ride through those same counties on Saturday. There were 4 wagons on Saturday along with a group of about 10 outriders. Other than a brief runoff while taking a break on Saturday and one rider who became "unhorsed", everything went great and we had no real problems. Bev provided us with a delicious supper after the Saturday ride and we had a few members stop by to eat with us and visit. On Sunday morning, we woke up to clouds and some light rain. After a hardy breakfast, it was decided to skip riding on Sunday and to pack up and head on home with the goal to meet in two weeks for a Memorial Day ride. It sure was nice to finally get out with the group and spend some time enjoying the scenery and especially to hear the clip clop of Danny's mules as they pulled us down the road.



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